Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Zot! I love UCI.

I'll make this quick because I still have to read Books I-IV and VI of The Aeneid before I go to the Hillel Bonfire at Corona Del Mar tonight. I LOVE my apartment. There is too much storage space in my room, kitchen AND bathroom. My roommates are awesome. My pink kettle is amazing. My room is fantastic! Except that I can't decide where I want anything to go, plus I didn't bring enough hangers, so it's still kind of messy because I haven't really unpacked yet.

Recruitment is going really awesomely so far. We have a consultant who is there for us (mostly me, really, since I'm Recruitment Chair) pretty much 24/7, and who tables with us from open to close every day. Having her there is seriously a big boost, because with her tips we've spoken to more girls in two days of recruiting than we did all last quarter.

Lots of boys around, but no time to talk to them because I have to meet potential sisters! Grr.

Class officially starts tomorrow, but it's Thursday so I only have to go to one of my history classes and physics. Then table table table, and then Chipotle with Talia and Shannon to discuss our upcoming Recruitment plans.

Must go finish coffee/read about Aeneas!

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