For the first time, I really like ALL of my professors and TAs, and my classes are really super amazingly excellent.
In my Upper-Div class on the Roman Empire, we've been reading lots and lots of Virgil and Livy. We'll be reading stuff like that all year, then coming back together to discuss them and to decide what we think Romanitas meant to the Romans (except that in class the other day someone pronounced it RomanITEss, like a disease. We all thought that was awesome). The class is great. I have a seven page paper due on Thursday but I'm not even worried because I like this class so much. And yesterday the professor told me I made an excellent point when we were discussing the orgins of Rome's founders and how that contributed to the Roman point of view about the growth of the empire, so that felt good.
My Lower-Div history class focuses on the Roman Republic, and it's the complete opposite from History 105. There are no essays, just tests. I really like this professor too, and my TA is great because he uses Latin in class just for fun as much as he can. The other day we talked about Roman names and how what part of their three names refered to what, and how ALL of Cicero's daughters would have been named Tullia, which is funny. My two history classes complement each other PERFECTLY -- I'm doing the actual reading in one, and getting the history in the other, and each class is giving me evidence to back up any thesis I need to come up with in the other. AND because of the way my schedule works out I get to study ancient Rome five times a week, so I'm one happy girl.
Lingustics isn't exactly fun, but at least it's interesting. Right now we're talking about the IPA (the International Phonetic Alphabet, I think), and how each sound has a corresponding symbol that represents that sound. And we're also talking about how to classify sounds based on what part of our mouths form them. It's hard so far, but it's the mathless math class, so at least it has that going for it. And our Professor is a good lecturer and my TA is cool. And I like knowing that if I do well in this class I'll have learned something that I actually do sort of have use for every day, unlike Pre-Calculus.
My Physics class is called Great Ideas of Physics (it's a non-Physics major class). It's the same stuff we studied in high school, but a very basic version, so we go over LOTS of different things in one class, versus spending a few weeks on one form of an equation. I don't look forward to going to class, but my TA is really attractive and super nice, and even though my Professor has a thick accent, he ALWAYS has a smile on his face, which honestly does put me in a better mood.
I decided to bump up my schedule to 20 units so that I could add Intro to Stage Management. I miss Drama classes terribly, so I was thinking that this one would be good way to at least be somewhat connected to the Drama Department. Plus my Big Sis is in the class too. And I am SO glad I added it. It's taught by the Dean of Stage Management (for the Grad School), and the best way to describe him is that he's a slightly less flamboyant version of Tim Gunn on Project Runway, and in the sense that Tim Gunn is excited about fashion, my professor is ten times as excited by us learning about the art and technique of stage managing. It's a super easy class (I have a short paper due on Tuesday about five good qualities that I believe a good stage manager should have. C'mon) and my professor is EXTREMELY encouraging. Anyone one else would come off as sappy, but as easily-congratulatory as he is on the basic points we come up with in class, his compliaments NEVER seem ridiculous, because he is just so awesome. And he knows everything and everyone and he worked for Equity for a long time so we get to hear all of his really interesting stories about that kind of thing. It's pretty much amazing. AND because I'm in the class I get to observe (on my own headset!) the dress rehearsal of UCI's upcoming mainstage production of West Side Story. So pretty much I'm ecstatic.